Become a Member


In order to achieve its objects, the society shall act in accordance with the co-operative principles and relevant values.

The society shall always be guided by the principle of voluntary and open membership in its members recruitment drive without political, religious, ethnic, gender or social discrimination.


Membership shall consist of:

  1. Original members who signed the application for registration
  2. New members subsequently admitted in accordance with the by-laws.


A person shall be eligible for membership if he or she: –

  1. Ordinarily resides or owns land within the society’s area of operation namely Ikutha district.
  2. Is of good character and sound mind.
  3. Has attained the age of 18 years except in a case of a minor who is heir to a deceased member.
  4. Grows or has products capable of being marketed in accordance with the by-laws namely: cereals, livestock and horticulture produce
  5. Is not a member of another cooperative society carrying out the same activities in the same area of operation?
  6. Pays entrance fee and minimum share capital as prescribed in the by-laws.


Every applicant for membership shall complete an “application for membership “form.

This form shall be drawn to show all the information required for the purpose of registration of members.


  • An applicant shall be admitted to membership on application upon payment of an entrance fee of Ksh 500 and for such other minimum shares as shall be fixed by the General meeting from time to time.
  • Upon admission the members name shall be entered in the membership register and a membership number issued.
  • The member shall sign or make a thumb mark in the register of members in the presence of two members of the committee to indicate his/her acceptance of the by-laws of the society.
  • Members shall be admitted by the management committee subject to confirmation by the next general meeting.